Gender in Agriculture Partnership

Transforming agriculture to empower women and deliver food, nutrition and income security

Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) e-survey results

GAP partners have come together through their shared concerns at the urgent need for large-scale action on gender-based issues in agriculture, a need that brings together and transcends individual institutional efforts.  Given the enormous and diverse scale of needs, it is crucial that GAP now focuses its collective energy on clearly defined priority areas, where the joined-up actions of the Partnership can bring greatest synergies and impacts to benefit all. The potential efficiencies and value-addition of working through the open, collective partnership of the GAP movement are clear and strongly attractive. We now need to understand how GAP partners particularly wish to work together to generate greatest outcomes and bring the best possible value from their multiple resources and efforts in key areas.
To help ensure concerned organizations of all forms truly own the GAP movement and that it responds directly to their needs, GFAR sponsored an e-survey to learn about what those committed to addressing gender issues in agriculture were thinking, doing, and planning as collective actions, and to understand their key priorities and needs for actions of the GAP network. This report presents the results of this e-survey, conducted between October-November 2012, and its analyses draw out the implications of their needs for GAP's development.  
Some 15O respondents, the majority of whom participated in the first Global Conference on Women in Agriculture (GCWA, New Delhi, 13-15 March 2012) and/or the second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2, Punta del Este, 29 October - 1 November 2012) took part in the survey.  They represented over 100 different organizations divided between research/academia, multinational including UN, government organizations, NGOs/CSOs, professional agricultural and private sector organizations operating at global (22 percent), regional (31 percent) and country/local (47 percent) levels.